3. Apr 2021
#003 Easter Week
It's easter week here in Iceland, and traditionally there are only three working days, we have Thursday and Friday off. And since me and my wife are parental support to a very sweet and fun 9 year old, this week has not been as productive as I wanted to. My contracting business has also been busy, so that has impacted things as well.
But the volcano is still going strong, so that is at least something that is not impacted by daily life :)
On to updates ... and some chocolate!
SO FAR ...

All things considered, I am happy with what I got through this week. As I stated last week I wanted to play around with the backoffice application, and I have the main functionality there up and running, you can log in and connect to your Workspace, list some Trips and view them.
I also thought about the signup process, and have that somewhat completed. Do still have to think about how the Workspace Owner will invite other users, and how my potential pricing strategy will impact the process. I have some ideas on the pricing structure, but as they are not completely fleshed out yet, I am not ready to share them yet.
Oh ... and I have a potential test client lined up, which is very, very important for a new solution like this. To have someone believe in your product vision is so valuable and you can align your product strategy to an already running operation.
I will have to see how next week pans out as the contracting business will be demanding a lot of my time next week, but I will try to carve out some time where I can. Completing the signup process (without all the pricing implications), be able to invite users into a new Workspace and get that live would be a fantastic step.
And eat more chocolate! ... (we do that a lot in Iceland during Easter Weekend).
- Code commits: 18 (138 total from 5th of Feb)
- Logged hours: 19,5